Personal Experiences

Everyone's experience of allergy symptoms is different. It is very rare for someone to suffer every possible symptom each time they are exposed to an allergen. Usually, over time our bodies become more sensitive to the allergens, which leaves us more vulnerable to being affected by smaller, micro amounts.

When an allergy first begins this may affect us in different ways. Some notice almost negligible symptoms, a distant dull ache, a slight itch that seems to invade one particular area for weeks or months, a rash, or something more severe.

It is hard for ourselves to recognise that we could have become allergic to something we may have eaten for years, especially if there is nobody in our families affected by that particular food. Then we are faced with wondering how we can find out for definite. 


Corn Derivatives List including products that can use corn in their manufacture

Symptoms of Corn Allergy and Intolerance

Corn/Maize Protein Allergen Zea m 14